A collection of notes, blogposts and TIL (Today I Learned) type of posts. Some long, some not so long.
The single most effective Cypress trick to improve accessibility
Find and fix accessibility issues while writing Cypress tests.
Easy screen orientation management with the ScreenOrientation API
No more matchMedia to check screen orientation
Create a bruno collection from an Open API document
Using an intermediate Postman collection, we can create a bruno collection based on an Open API document
Multiple popovers with Popover API
use popover=manual to show multiple popovers at a time
Quickly serve a html document via https
I just needed to quickly serve a simple html document on a remote machine.
Automatic resizing of textareas and inputs using CSS
field-sizing: content lands in Chrome 123
Export JSDoc Type from Svelte Components
How to export/import JSDoc @typedef definitions in Svelte
CSS media query to check for JavaScript support
Use CSS to conditional styles depending if JavaScript is enabled
Pitch black darkness and the degradation of end user experience
Yesterday I rode my bike home in pitch black darkness, because the bike lamps ran out of battery. Luckily I was able to go almost all the way on backcountry gravel roads and/or cycle paths. No way I would have survived had I ridden on the main road without lights. I felt helpless without those lamps.
Svelte Tricks Collection
A collection of tricks and niceties you might find useful when working with Svelte.
Form with multiple submit buttons
How to handle HTML Forms with multiple submits
Editing Database in VS Code via SQLTools Plugin
Stay in the editor while working on your database.
CSS Background Position Offsets
Improved positioning of CSS background images
Submit forms in dialogs
using method=dialog
npm: only install production dependencies
Faster npm ci installs
Sort strings/numbers while respecting special characters
using localeCompare
<template> element
... for dynamic content
Cypress Testing Library Custom Error Message
How to reduce logging noise when using Cypress Testing Library
Group all DOM elements by font-size
Debug the distribution of font-size of DOM elements on the page
Mock navigator.share
For testing in non-secure environments
Import and Export a JS Module in one line
export { namedImport } from './path/to/module';
Was the page navigated to using back or forward button?
using PerformanceNavigationTiming.type
Detect if the tab is hidden or visible
using document.hidden
Make an element stick to top and bottom!
Useful CSS to make an element stick to the top and bottom of a scroll container!
Trigger download of remote images with Next.js
When the `download` attribute on an HTML anchor is not enough. Also: how to zip on the fly with Next.js API routes.
How to add a Leaflet map to a Gatsby site
Let's fix `window is not defined`